Student and Youth shortlists revealed
Student and Youth shortlists revealed
'Present Imperfect, Future Tense' is an underwater project which focuses on major environmental problems that affect our oceans and, consequently, life on our planet; plastics, raising water levels and melting of the ice sheets. The images recreate hypothetical scenarios of near-future realities. These fictitious narratives are based on statistical projections of the effects of climate change. The project reflects on the importance of water for all animals. We are around 60% water, we come from water, the planet is 3/4th water, and in the quest for a habitable planet, water is essential. In this project, humans take centre stage. We are not only responsible for the diminishing of healthy oceans but we are becoming the victims alongside the animals. I aim to increase awareness that oceans are the lifeblood of the planet and humankind. The project is divided into 3 parts or volumes. Note: This submission includes the second part of this project. Part 2: 'Present Imperfect, Future Tense: Vol. 2. Atlantis'. Indonesia, 2017 SEA LEVEL RISE & DISAPPEARANCE OF LOW-LYING COASTAL REGIONS Sea level rises can considerably influence human populations in coastal and island regions and natural environments like marine ecosystems. Experts predict that before 2050, thousands of small islands and millions of houses in coastal areas across Indonesia will disappear due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. In this part of the project, I re-create fictional near-future scenarios of submerged rooms, using a swimming pool to simulate inundated homes. I photographed Indonesian people underwater, trying to escape from the flood.
Student and Youth shortlists revealed