Student and Youth shortlists revealed
Student and Youth shortlists revealed
The impulse to work on the subject of water came from not understanding how it can powerfully attract me and simultaneously push away. As much as I admire water's grandiosity and beauty, I also always feared it. Water's constant movement, its formlessness, diversity and changeability is the motivation to research this theme further and to create art. Working on the subject is contemplating the ever-changing aspect of life, us and photography. The moment when one thinks to have seen the shape of water, it is already gone. Similarly, the way how we feel about water is dependent on our life experiences and circumstances, thus, constantly shifting. I am interested in malleability of image's physical form and visual meaning through the ideas of repetition, processing and multilayering. When I make photographs, I trust my intuition and process, every finished piece is the beginning of a new one.
Student and Youth shortlists revealed