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Place of Water. Brave and free in Cape Town, by Nicky Newman

7 years ago

Nicky Newman, a photographer who studied Journalism and Media at Rhodes University, is one of the shortlisted photographers in the 2017 ZEISS Photography Award with her series, ‘Place of Water’. Below she explains her motiviation and inspiration for the project. 


Text by Nicky Newman

Water is my favorite element. I love everything about it, so naturally swimming is my exercise of choice.

I’m lucky enough to to swim in one of the world’s most beautiful public pools in Cape Town, The Pavilion. It’s separated from the sea by a single wall, with breathtaking views of the mountain and gulls swooping overhead.

Such a diverse array of people; children learning to swim for the first time, older people needing to stretch their weary, sore bodies, tourists soaking up the sun, serious swimmers doing lengths.

Initially, I didn’t set out to make a series, I just captured moments before or after my daily swim. I was particularly drawn to the children diving as they were so brave and free and graceful.

It struck me how the water seemed to bring out everyone’s inner child, no matter their age, and that we all left relaxed and happy and what a leveler one large square of water can be.
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