The results are in! 2025 Open competition category winners and shortlist have been reavealed.
In Argentina femicide,the killing of women,it's a new category of crime recorded in the Criminal Code in 2012 and it's punished by life imprisonment.Despite the tightening of legislation,murders of women are increasing in the country.Currently, according to statistics,a woman is killed every thirty hours.In the spring of 2015, there had been a succession of atrocious crimes: women burned alive, hacked to pieces with machetes, even a pregnant woman killed by her boyfriend and buried in the garden of grandparents.In those days it was created by the feminist collective Ni una menos,a protest movement against violence towards women. Since 2015 this collective, with unprecedented success, is mobilizing the masses against gender violence.The problem is common in all the country, more in the northern provinces that are the more traditional.Particularly serious is the in the many Villas of the cities,slums located sometimes very close to the city centers where people live in poor condition,criminality is very high and the youngster are in danger.Here gender violence is also due to the patriarchal composition of the society(the majority of people are immigrants from Paraguay,Peru, Bolivia who are very traditional).Often young girls leave the family Home in which they suffer domestic violence for a love affair with people belonging to gangs who introduce them to the world of the drug or they become victims of the human traffic,kidnapped and forced to prostitution.Only In Buenos Aires there are 1500 brothels ,40000 in the country.Frequently girls between 13 and 16 get pregnant.Often police doesn't take the reports, corruption is very common and women suffer domestic and psychological violence for years.