The Story of Bob - Amy Davis, CityVarsity Cape Town, South Africa
Marine life is dying and our beautiful blue oceans are suffering. Plastic covers the earth
with it’s permanent state of pollution. It’s now up to us to change the way we live by
replacing plastic with a more sustainable solution. Humans have caused this mess, but it
doesn’t mean we can’t fix it.
The Two Oceans Aquarium run a very special turtle rehab where they rescue and heal
sick turtles such as Bob and release them back into the wild. They have a beautiful
understanding of the balance and ecological role that turtles play in the health of our
oceans and with so much love and compassion, they have managed to save so many
more than just Bob. The sad fact is that most of the turtles are sick and injured because
of plastic in their system. Did you know that a plastic bag floating in water looks exactly
like a jelly fish? If I can’t tell the difference, how is Bob meant to?
Bob suffered the many negative effects of plastic pollution that is hurting marine life. It’s
time for the unconscious humans to become conscious. Let Bob be a source of awe and
inspiration to bring awareness to the world.