Student and Youth shortlists revealed
Student and Youth shortlists revealed
"Every day is another chance” is an ongoing series about the links between personal mythologies within my family. In September, I returned to Nevis (a former British colony; population 12,000) after three years in New York City. Feral monkeys, donkeys, goats and sheep still charmingly regulate traffic; inertia and frustration linger in the warm breeze, mingling with the unfulfilled promises of sun, sea, and sand.
My new life in the US was a seismic cultural shift: festering racial tensions thrust on me a notion of blackness that felt like indoctrination. Meanwhile, Americans scrambled to reassess the potency - the relevancy - of the American dream. Initially, this project stemmed from a desire to just keep shooting. Eventually, through familiar entrances, exits, and the unpacking of unresolved feelings, I am finding beauty and healing in once vulnerable places. This enables me to be both an actor in, and a witness to this story; assimilating socio-economic-cultural circumstances into my creative process.
Student and Youth shortlists revealed