The results are in! 2025 Open competition category winners and shortlist have been reavealed.
ENTRE COL Y COL LECHUGA-POEMAS NAUFRAGOS, 10 independent photographic poems from Cuba
_____PROLOG:And the day arrived that Ikú,the Death,after throwing down so many heads,got tired and did not want to knock down one more.He went to see Olofi, the Creator at his foam palace,giving him his scepter of bone and dried flowers, he said:-„Agé Babá Olofi,since you invented the world,I am the one who keeps the last rest of your creatures.Even so,nobody thanks me,and to be honest,I'm tired of everyone running away from me,so I entrust that job to someone else.“And without letting Olofi reply,he climbed to the top of a mountain and there,ecstatic in the contemplation of nature,Ikú forgot the world.At first the Creator didn´t worry much about the decision of the Death:„It will not be difficult for someone else to take his place""he told himself.But later he understood that he was wrong...
_________FACTS:loose workgroup, work-in-progress, 2-artist-project, Cuba