The results are in! 2025 Open competition category winners and shortlist have been reavealed.
Generation Wealth is my 25-year visual history of our growing obsession with wealth. Weaving 25 years of work into a meta-narrative, I have tried to explore a consumer appetite unprecedented in human history. Keeping up with the Joneses has become Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as the “aspiration gap” between what we want and what we can afford has dramatically widened. My journey starts in Los Angeles and spreads across America and beyond, as I endeavour to document how we export the values of materialism, celebrity culture and social status to every corner of the globe through photographs and interviews with students, single parents, and families overwhelmed by crushing debt, yet determined to purchase luxury houses, cars, and clothing. We visit homes and observe rituals of the international elite and the A-list celebrities from reality TV and social media; the same influencers who shape our desires and sense of self.