Shifting Sands by Jed Bacason
‘Like the sand it is built upon, Dubai has its truths. On sand, nothing is fixed. Nothing is permanent. Everything shifts with the slightest breeze, and fate changes so swiftly. Today, you are a beggar. Tomorrow, you are a king. One day, you are loved by all. The next day, you are just another face in the crowd. You fight, crawl, claw your way up. Or else, you get buried in the sand. At the end of it all, you go home dirty, old, and weary. So you lock away all your fancy regalia. And scrub off all that sand that has stuck to your feet.’ In this series the photographer aims to capture the emotional spectrum and experiences of migrant workers and their families in Dubai, from arrival to departure. The series is a personal reflection on the challenges and triumphs faced by these workers and their loved ones, highlighting their diverse stories of success, struggle, and adaptation in a foreign city.