RCP8.5 by Daniele Vita
Greenhouse gas and aerosol emission scenarios are used to calculate climate evolution. Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) are created by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to represent greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations in relation to specific climate targets, in terms of radiative forcing by 2100. Three main scenarios are used: RCP2.6, whereby significant measures are taken to protect the climate, and the temperature increase remains below 2°C; RCP4.5, whereby greenhouse gas emissions are partially contained, but their concentrations in the atmosphere continue to increase; the temperature is above 2°C; RCP8.5, whereby no measures are taken to protect the climate. Greenhouse gas emissions increase and temperatures rise up to 5°C. This project was born from Daniele Vita’s encounter with a study entitled Risk Analysis: Climate Change in Italy, prepared by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC). With the help of CMCC and Unict (the University of Catania), the photographer translated today’s landscapes into a vision of what they could become in the near future (2100) according to the RCP8.5