"Rohingya Refugees In Bangladesh" by Probal Rashid
In an arduous journey to cross into safety, the strongest carry the weakest through damp paddy fields and a continuous waterfall. The monsoon rains are heavy and frequent, and make the ground incredibly wet and muddy. As the sun begins to set and night awakens, the most treacherous part of their journey arrives. They have to cross a land mine infested border between Myanmar and Bangladesh. Some people take the risk of traveling in an unstable fishing boat. Some spend days hiding in the forest before reaching the boarder while others wait at the boarder for several days until they feel safe to cross. The journey to Bangladesh was hard for the Rohingya refugees, especially with the little kids. According to the United Nations estimates about 600,000 Rohingya refugees have fled from violence in Myanmar since August 25, 2017. Hundreds are known to have died trying to escape, and survivors arrive with horrifying accounts of villages burned, women raped, and scores killed in this 'clearance operations' by Myanmar's army.