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Highlights #5: 2018 Sony World Photography Awards

6 years ago

Welcome to the 5th edition of Highlights from the 2018 Sony World Photography Awards.

The reaction to this year's Sony World Photography Awards was incredible... and record-breaking, with the most amount of entries (319,561) in our 11-year history. With the names of all shortlisted and commended photographers now released, each week we will be choosing 10 highlighted images (5 from Open and 5 from Pro) ahead of all the images being displayed at the 2018 Exhibition in London from 20th April - 6th May.




"Flyboard show and events in Dubai." - Riyas Muhammed



"Every morning, all the reindeer are released so they can graze. Here, a Tsataan child taking care of his reindeer before the cold night comes." - Pehuen Grotti



"Drool escaping from the corner of a Giraffe's mouth." - Pedro Jarque Krebs




"A red fox approaches the side of the main road in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Habituated to humans as a food source, these foxes stand by the side of the road and wait for handouts from passing motorists. I laid down in front of the headlights of my car and this fox approached me curiously." - Corey Arnold



"It was a beautiful clear full-moon-night in January ... during the magical dark season with its beautiful light in the Arctic. The Northern Lights danced over the island of Bleikøya like in a dream." - Isabelle Bacher





From the series 'Stuffy Shell' by Paul D'Haese

"Hasn't man always, throughout history, been seeking protection against a threatening outside world? Even in the contemporary, we still build walls, fences, hedges around us. We create formulas of "safe havens", designed to take away deeply rooted fears and insecurities while providing a perfect illusion (of self-protection)." - Paul D'Haese



From the series 'Els Enfarinat' by Antonio Gibotta

"Each 28th December, in Ibi - province of Alicante, in Spain -, the "The floured's war" takes place. It's a festival in which the citizens are divided into two groups: the first is called the Enfarinat (the floured), that simulate a coup d'etat; the other one tries to calm down the rebellion." - Antonio Gibotta




From the series 'White Gold' by Luca Locatelli

"Rarely has a material so inclined to stay put been wrenched so insistently out of place and carried so far from its source. In Italy's most marble-rich area, known as the Apuan Alps, the abundance is surreal." - Luca Locatelli




From the series 'The Return of the Rhino' by Neil Aldridge

"Rhinos are fighting for survival. Poachers are killing more than three every day to feed the demand for rhino horn in the Far East. All the while, the South African government is championing the consumptive use of rhinos and the legalisation of the trade in horn. But there is hope." - Neil Aldridge





From the series 'From the Ends of the Earth (part 1)​' by Dan Welldon

"This is a series of images which explore the atmosphere and landscape of the Antarctic." - Dan Welldon