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Winner and shortlist announced! September's Youth competition

4 years ago

In the Sony World Photography Awards September Youth competition we wanted to see your best wildlife, nature and landscape images taken in 2020. From minimalist landscapes to critters in your back garden, we wanted to see the photographs that capture the beauty, drama, intensity and diversity of the natural world. A variety of techniques were welcomed, from macro shots to wide angle vistas. 


Emil Holthausen, Germany, 18 years-old 

'I met this fox during an internship on the Pico Veleta in Spain this past January. I saw him sneaking around the building and immediately ran to my room to get my camera. I decided to quickly switch from my wide-angle to a 50mm lens. When I suddenly saw him sitting outside about three metres away from me, I was able to take full advantage of the short depth of field and create the bokeh aesthetic!'

"I feel very honored to receive this prestigious award for something that is as close to my heart as photography. I would like to thank my grandpa (who is also a photographer) for his support and the awesome folks at MPIfR for making possible this incredible internship in Spanish Sierra Nevada, where I took the photo."


Yashish Sharma, India

Michelangelo Cantatore, Italy

Mac Sealy, Australia


Helena He, United States


Yang Yu (Claire) Wei, Taiwan


Sotiris Zapantiotis, Greece


Charlie Cooper, United States


Hollie Raven, New Zealand


David Pham, Vietnam


Professional Competition Closes Soon