Student and Youth shortlists revealed
Student and Youth shortlists revealed
Kenya is a very well represented country in top results of mid- and long-distance running. The great success has made running into quite a big industry, where young Kenyans are dreaming about becoming the next big champion or getting the possibility to travel to western countries to study on a scholarship. It is their chance to live a life they would otherwise only dream of.
In developed countries aspiring professional athletes design their lives to optimize their training, but for most Kenyans that is not a possibility. They just run.
Through a photojournalistic approach, I focused on the simple yet difficult life of Cornelius, who attends the most successful high school and talent program in Kenya. Even though he is a promising talent, and will probably get a scholarship, he struggles with the living conditions - getting enough food and rest - while attending Saint Patrick’s High School.
Student and Youth shortlists revealed