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The pixelated world of Gameboy Camera Man

8 years ago

7 days, 7 images on the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed.

#WPOfavs feature: @gameboycameraman. "My name is Jean-Jacques Calbayrac but I am also known as Gameboycameraman from instagram. I'm a French photographer living in London and I started this project involving a Gameboy Camera. With it I try to show a world where the line between familiar and new is blurred."



Hi Jean-Jacques. Tell us about the images we feature on the @worldphotoorg feed

As you've certainly guessed, I take pictures with a GameboyCamera. I showcased some street photography from London and the vast galactic landscapes from the game No Man's Sky. For the former, I used a special technique in order to do coloured pictures. I love blurring the frontiers between the real and the unreal. Thanks to the gameboy camera's low resolution, I'm really able to blur the lines between these two worlds. 



Do you have a favourite, and why? 

This guy walking in a park with his hands behind is back. It was one of my first pictures, I was just starting my account, and it brings back good memories.

When did you first discover photography? 

Like alot of people, I took pictures with a disposable camera when I was young, but it's only much later that I started to take photography seriously, when I always 20 years old. At this time I was studying art and I got some kind of "introduction to photography" class; that's what got me started. Since then I have practiced a lot, taking pictures nearly every day, looking at many other photographers work like Walker Evans, Garry Winogrand or Henri Cartier Bresson to name only the reporters, those guys were the best in their field, able to see things invisible to the commun eyes. But I highly recommend to keep an open mind and look at every kind of photography.

Do you have a photographic philosophy? 

Keep doing it, as long as you enjoy it.

Where in the world are you and what's next for you? 

I'm in London right now. I am doing an awesome screenprinting project with some of my photographs. The pixels are coming into real life. You can find more about it here







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