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Meet the winners: James Deavin

1 year ago

James Deavin's set of images was awarded first place in the Portfolio category in the Professional competition. Speaking about his awarded work, Deavin says: 'This portfolio was shot in the first half of 2022 in Saudi Arabia, where I was based at the time. Given more time, I think these pictures would have fallen into more defined projects or narratives, perhaps relating to the large migrant worker and expat population (of which I was part), or Saudi car culture.

'As it is, I believe this collection shows my style and technique as a photographer – there is no deliberate connection between the images other than I was searching for special photographs that could eventually develop into projects.' The Portfolio category is dedicated to images that aren’t related to each other in subject matter or narrative, but where the quality of the image and the photographer’s technical skills are evident and consistent throughout the submission.