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World Photography Organisation

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3 years ago

We talk to Coenraad Heinz Torlage, this year's Student Photographer of the Year 

3 years ago

We catch up with Pubarun Basu, who won this year's Youth competition

3 years ago

Presented by British art historian Jacky Klein and entertainer Nish Kumar, A Year in Photos from the Sony World Photography Awards 2021 celebrates the work of the top winners in one of the world’s biggest photography competitions

3 years ago

We shine a spotlight on some of the best photo series successful in this year's Latin America Professional Award

3 years ago

For the first time in the Sony World Photography Awards 14-year history we’re revealing the results via a very special, exclusive winners announcement video!

3 years ago

Why we decided to reveal the Sony World Photography Awards 2021 results via video 

3 years ago

Andalusian horses, a Korean Baek-il party and celebrating the Altai people’s affinity with the landscape. Check out our review of selected images from this year’s Alpha Female Award

3 years ago

From leopard patterned foals to COVID compatabile concerts, the best single images from this year's Awards are revealed 

3 years ago

We choose pioneering female photographers from this year's Professional competiton to celebrate International Women's Day 

3 years ago

From creative commentary on microplastics to lockdown homeschooling we take a look at this year's successful photo series 
