1st Place, "Deep Land" by Roselena Giovanna Ramistella
Beginning in May 2016 I travelled the old Sicilian trails on a mule, starting at Nebrodi, passing through Madonie, Peloritani and all the way to the Sicani Mountains. The mule track is a rural road similar to a trail, but also suitable for the circulation of pack animals. Prior to the development of the modern road network, it was the link and trade route between the towns and the farmland.
Until about fifty years ago, mules had a prominent role in Sicilian country life providing employment and assistance to local farmers. Due to the economic crisis, many young people are moving back to the countryside, working the land, planting local crops and breeding livestock, creating a new rural economy.
The project has two parts; researching local communities still living in remote areas and creating a new map documenting the remains of the old mule tracks, the first since the 1950's.